Saturday, 7 July 2012

Silence and sticky black slime

So there I was walking into my apartment and straight away I could tell something was off... there was way to much of an ominous silence as I walked in, usually when I walk in, my room mate would be doing her 4:00pm karaoke but I couldn't hear a thing. I tried to fix it by screaming, it worked for a while but eventually I ran out of breath and the silence came back. I knew something was amiss.

So being the ace detective that I was, I went looking around the house, I did a barrel roll into the living room and noticed that the TV was on...on mute that is. Me and my room mate have a rule here, the TV is to always stay on maximum volume. This was starting to making me worry. But I knew I had to keep looking around. There was literally nothing in the other rooms so I knew that was normal, that's when I heard something come from upstairs.

As I ninja'd my way up the stairs I noticed that there was a thick smell emanating from my room mate's room it smelled like that thing that grows in your cup of milk if you leave it for to long...this couldn't be true though I room mate was lactose intolerant! At this thought I sprinted up the stairs and kicked down my room mate's bedroom door (It took a few kicks, I mean, I'm not the hulk).

As I walked in I saw that everything was...normal. The smell was still there but it was alright because like you know how you get used to a smell after a while, it was kinda like that. I was about to leave when for some reason that I'm not going to explain I looked up at the ceiling, there I saw something that made me want to projectile vomit all over the room.

It was my room mate, he was just kinda hanging there, nude and covered in sticky black slime (I knew it was sticky because I reached up and touched it. The slime was kinda like censoring out my room mate so that was considerate of whoever did this to them. My room mate looked at me with fear in her eyes and said nothing because her mouth was covered up.

And here I am now... I'm a little bit startled by it but I'm going to have be brave. I suppose I should rap up this post and get my room mate off the ceiling.

Good luck in your endeavours, Writerer.

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